Letter to the Editor

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Letter to the Editor on behalf of A community coalition

An oldie but a goodie!

From 2010 to 2012, I managed the statewide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program for the Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS). 

I facilitated 6 regional coalitions of nonprofit and public organizations that hosted free tax sites for low-to-moderate-income households to help plan, market, fund, and coordinate their programming. The program served over 10,000 households each year.

At the time, CAHS was also advocating for a state earned income tax credit (EITC) to supplement income for low- and moderate-income working families – and of course, the VITA coalitions I worked with were the perfect advocates (along with their clients, many of whom also shared their stories with legislators during the campaign).

I worked with the coalitions to write and publish several letters to the editor in newspapers around the state advocating for the state EITC (which was eventually passed!). Here’s one of those letters, written on behalf of the Fairfield County coalition, from the CT Post.

Click on the image to read the full PDF version of the letter to the editor.


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Letter to the Editor - CT Post - Click image to read full letter as PDF